Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Scotland Rocks! But their clubs are wank!

‘Tis a miserable grey, windy, cold and rainy morning in Glasgow. As Marcin, the driver starts to drive us off to Edinburgh, his ipod comes on mid song with Megadeath at the lyrics ‘the angel of death is pissed off at me again’, which has us all immediately in a huge bout of laughter. We have spent the last hour loitering in a Mc Donalds updating blogs while we waited for the club to open so we could load up and  get moving. In the van, I work out merch sales for last night and prepare my paperwork for tonight.

We get to the venue, The Bannerman in no time and the place is proper sweet. Old English pub with 15 year old Whiskeys and Scottish Ale aplenty with a cavern at the back covered in rock and metal posters, stage at the end. We get shown upstairs to our accommodation for the night and it’s a flat with bedrooms, beds, a shower, sitting room, and kitchen, the works. This must be what Heaven is. Seriously, I’m tempted to ask for a job and just stay. Defect to Scotland. The staff are awesome and in no time we are all slightly pissed sitting in those wicked racing green leather sofas playing computer games, chatting and updating yet more blogs!

Cauldron get a tip off about a cool little record shop but come back empty handed and none of us make it to the amazing Castle we passed in the vans. The guys discover Edinburgh Gold Ale instead.  Both bands have an interview upstairs and fit sound check in at the same time. For tonight’s proceedings, the merch stall finds itself on a pool table.  

The gig starts, about sixty in the audience all pushed in ready to rock, the first band are fronted by mental vocals that go mega high in one breath and deep growl in the next, he was like if Prince had done metal. Top. Some cheeky beggar puts his Corona bottle down on my t-Shirts but I quickly told him about himself and on went the second band.

I have at this point been royally neglected which I suspect is because our digs upstairs are so nice, that by the time Alex, guitarist from BBB appears I have to ask him to look after the stall in mid jog ‘cause I’m painfully needing to piss. This neglect led to what shall forever more be known as The Longest Piss Ever.

Cauldron’s first song is barely heard for poor sound quality, tut tut bad sound man, but by the second this is rectified and they go on to play a blinding set. Chris is a bad boy drummer, proper gnarly, Jason just takes everything in his stride swaggering about and Ian is pure filth with those guitar solos. Jose is hanging with me on the stall watching the Cauldron guys with a look on his face that would leave you to believe some one has just killed his hamster. I ask what’s up and he explains that he always gets like this before a gig and is just focusing. I’m like Phew, thought you were hating on your support act there for a mo’ which gets a laugh before he goes all ninja again. Rapturous head banging, glass raising is being thrown back at them throughout the gig and at one point Cauldron are playing so hard a glass falls off a shelf and smashes! Ian’s guitar might actually explode.

Bonded By Blood up next and once again the guitar skills of Alex are off the fucking hook, neon yellow glowing under the dim lights.. A wall of head banging in unison as the boys line up, ‘Another Disease’ sending the crowd completely insane. Third song in and the moshing begins in earnest. The Drums and Bass have glasses falling off shelves all over the shop and even in such a small sweat pit hell hole of a venue there is crowd surfing, the Scots are fucking mental. BBB are totally possessed on stage and they are absolutely fucking destroying it. And with a  shout out to their Mexican buddies with piss taking reference to the swine flu, and the closing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme song they finish up to a crowd pushed over the edge. I think my ears are bleeding. Fuckin’ A.

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